About Shopping

Shopping Procedure

Shopping >> After clicking “product”, add to the shopping cart >> Confirm the quantity >> Please click “next” if correct or click the space to modify the quantity. To modify it, please click the "recalculate" button >> checkout

Reminder: If you have a discount number or permanent warranty product serial number, you can enter it in the discount serial number area to have a discount.

Before checkout

Please log in first. For those who order for the first time, please fill in the basic information and read the privacy statement.

Delivery service

Pickup method  Shipping Price Shipping days
Self-pickup  NT$ 0 Please come here:
No.70-26, Qingguang Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 41466, Taiwan
In-store pick up  NT$ 70 3~5 working days
Direct shipping  HCT Logistics NT$ 150 1~3 working days
Sent by post  NT$ 70 1~3 working days
Sent by post (outlying islands only) NT$ 100 6 working days
International shipping  Calculated by weight, the buyer affords the shipping price According to the weight

Reminder: The above working days do not include official holidays and national holidays. If the logistics company has a large cargo volume, the actual arrival date will be postponed for 1~3 days, and the arrival date cannot be specified. If you have any questions, please call or use Facebook online customer service during the customer service hours. We are glad to be at your service.

Service: (04)-23354628#152
Service time:Monday to Friday 8:30-17:30


In-store pickup:

Select the store to pick up the goods.→ the goods arrive in the store → the system will automatically send the notice of the arrival of the goods at the store → pay for the goods.

As there is a limit on the volume of the goods, the volume must not exceed 30*30*45cm, the longest side ≦45 cm, and the total weight does not exceed 10 kg.

※Reminder: When you order more than 4 items, in order to avoid pickup problems due to the volume of your goods, please choose another delivery method.

Pay with credit card:

Pay with credit card → fill in the credit card information to complete the order. The process is protected by the SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) encryption mechanism → iThinking will ship as soon as possible after the payment is confirmed.

Web ATM:

You will receive a set of virtual accounts. The payment amount must match the order amount. If the amount is incorrect, the shipment will not be arranged.

Please do not make repeated payments, you can choose ATM, WebATM, or make a remittance (foreign remittance is not acceptable) to pay.

Fill in the relevant information according to the checkout page to complete the order. iThinking will ship as soon as possible after the payment is confirmed.

※Reminder: In order to avoid any controversy on the payment of WebATM, please keep your receipt of remittance.

Cancel the order/ Apply for the return

Member area> Order> Choose the order in the order number area> After entering, click the “return” in the top right corner> Choose the order you want to return> Enter the reason> Click “confirm”